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Baby Care - So You Want A American Pit Bull Terrier? You've made up your mind, it's the American Pit Bull Terrier you want asyour companion. Are you ready for this... |  |
| Baby Care - Super Cat Urine Prevention Tips Many times cat owners are at a loss as to why their cat doesn't use their litter box. Here are some great tips that can help you solve the problem.The litter box is the first thing you should check. It should be in a quiet, private area of the house. Many people put them in their basements and leav... |  |
| Baby Care - Susan Dunn, The Eq Coach Spring is coming … Easter is coming. I think of my Mom’s potato salad, dying eggs with my children, the years our bird dog spent all Easter morning ‘pointing’ the eggs we’d hidden Al fresco brunches with fresh strawberry crepes which later gave way to dining rooms formalities of lamb roast with mint jelly, and fresh asparagus, then evolving back to ham, potato salad and deviled eggs, like my Mom. The years my sons and I celebrated in the Florida Keys, now celebrating with my son’s in-laws, grilling out in the back yard. Religious services, spring bonnets, orchid corsages and Easter lilies. Customs particular to South Texas – bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes along the highway, cascarones and Fiesta, and finally, PEEPS®!TRADITIONSTraditions are what give our life sta... |  |
| Baby Care - Take Control Of Your Gas Prices By: GranMamma- Car pool. Join your neighbors for shopping and picking up the kids.- Walk. If your convenient store is just around the corner, you could be getting some great exercise.- Buy a five-gallon gasoline can and fill it up when prices are low. Then, when prices are outrageous, you’ll have something to fall back on.- Look into public transportation (It just might be a money-saving option)- Inflate your tires properly - Under-inflated tires can cut fuel economy by 2% per pound. For example, if your tires should be at 32 psi and they’re actually at 27 psi, your mileage is reduced by 10%.- Buy gas when the price goes down. Don’t wait for the tank to get near empty. If you see... |  |
| Baby Care - Ten Ha-ha-hilarious Kids Party Games Want to become the most popular kids party-giver on the planet? Keep kids cracking up with these ten tried-and-true ha-ha-hilarious kids party game ideas. PARROT GAMEDivide guests into two equal groups, one is the Pirates, the other the Parrots. The parrots are very very grouchy and are not permitted to smile. The pirates can do anything they like to get the parrots to laugh. The parrots can only respond parrot-style - if they think they can without crackering-er, I mean cracking - up!!! You might make one of the rules that parrots must answer any questions in "parrot-speak" only. The last parrot to keep a straight face is the winner.BABY BOTTLE GAMEBefore the party, prepare a baby bottle... |  |
| Baby Care - The 411 On Natural Colic Remedies Any parent whose baby has suffered from colic can tell you that colic is one of the most excruciating experiences ever imaginable. Nothing is worse than seeing one’s baby in pain and not being able to ... |  |
| Baby Care - The 5 Babysitter Commandments Having a babysitter take care of your kids is sometimes a dangerous thing to do because the babysitter is the person that will be alone with your kid. Here are some ideas about your relationship with the babysitter.1. The babysitter should be encouraged by keeping the favorite foods on hand. That's because when you find a good babysitter, you should keep them happy, that's what most experienced parents say. Writing a thank you card once or twice a year would be a good idea too.2. If you can't handle daily erran... |  |
| Baby Care - The Chinese Year Of The Goat There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depart the earth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.Chinese astrology is based on the Lunar Calendar. This means the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consult the charts to determine the correct sign.You will find a chart of the dates and signs below. Once you have found out which sign y... |  |
| Baby Care - The Cruel Fool - Gods Payback (animal Cruelty) Why so many campaigners are out there fighting for the rights of cruelty to animals? Animals can not speak for themselves, so we as caring considerate human beings with feelings act as their proxy to get a message across and that being is that animals feel pain.Many animals are subjected to barbaric torture just for the amusement of blood thirsty callous sadists. How on earth someone in their right mind can find pleasure in watching the suffering of an innocent animal is beyond me?T... |  |
| Baby Care - The Fabric Of Life...or...what Material Should I Use To Make That Dress With? There are many different types of fabrics, and many different ideas and crafts to do with them. For example, say you were redoing your home. For your kitchen, you could use cotton to make beautiful crisp curtains to hang above your windows. For a bedroom and living room, you may want to try velour for that sophisticated look. Don't want to throw out Great-grandma's old raggedy chair? No problem, just reupholster it and its as good as new. Or, if you or someone you know is having a baby, you could try oilcloth to make a diaper bag, or lace to add a delicate finishing touch to a bib, blanket or that cute little bonnet.You can find all of these fabrics and more just a... |  |
| Baby Care - The Great Baby Name Debate Winifred or Willow? Thomas or Troy? The name you choose for your child will last a lifetime. Whether you're looking for something original that will stand out from the crowd or a traditional name that people will instantly recognize, choosing a name for your new baby is a huge responsibility.It goes without saying that you as the parents must like the name. Names that hold bad associations for you are out (Jeremy was a bore at school, you can't stand Bella in the Tweenies), and if you consider your own name uninteresting, you may wish to choose something more exotic - or vice versa.Think carefully about combinations of first name and surname. Are they compatible? You may like a mixture of an unusual first name with a more fam... |  |
| Baby Care - The Many Faces Of Santa REQUIREMENTS FOR REPRINT: You have permission to publishthis article free of charge in your e-zine, newsletter,ebook, print publication or on your website ONLY if itremains unchanged and you include the copyright and authorinformation (Resource Box) at the end. You may not usethis article in any unsolicited commercial email (spam).You may retrieve this article by:Autoresponder: santaclaus99@getresponse.comWebsite:http://www.apluswriting.net/articles/santaclaus99.txtWords:... |  |
| Baby Care - The Right Mutual Funds For Baby Boomers By C.C. Collins, Wealth Strategist, http://wealthscientist.comIf you are a baby boomer, time is not on your side. Many baby boomers see retirement age fast approaching with little to nothing in the way of retirement assets that will allow them to actually retire and live a comfortable lifestyle.With the benefit of time in short supply, substantial investment performance in a shorter than normal time frame becomes strikingly important.Mutual Fund Advice A case could be made that a special type of mututal fund, an index mutual fund, in conjunction with careful market trend analysis (not predictive market timing) could be used to achieve higher returns faster than a standard mutu... |  |
| Baby Care - The Trickiest Gift On Your Shopping List Thinking of Giving Clothes as a Gift? There's one Recipient on your Gift List Who's Sure to be Thrilled.When it comes to the art of giving, a gift of clothes is fraught with peril. We've all had encounters from the receiving end. We all have stories to tell. If you don't, you will, just give it time.Mine started early. My grandmother, having survived the Depression, knew how to stretch a dollar. Buying clothes for her grandkids meant getting everything 3 or 4 sizes too big so we could "grow into it". We endured our baggy clothes, with the sleeves and pant legs rolled up, until we were finally big enough to wear them with dignity. By which time we'd more or less destroyed them. Then there's my husband. Heaven forbid I sh... |  |
| Baby Care - The Truth About Christmas Every year, as Christmas approaches, you hear Christmas carols everywhere. Sometimes to the point where another Silent Night would make you want to silent the sound system. Everyone is scrambling to buy Christmas gifts for everyone in a list that seems miles long. The queues to pay up and the queues for a parking lot seem endlessly long too. Christmas cards are sent out to friends and family, some of whom you might not have seen for years. Beautifully decorated christmas trees pop up every where. Buildings are dressed in lights, mistletoes, bells, and other Christmas decorations. Santa Claus, his elves and reindeer are seen every where. Kids get more and more exci... |  |
| Baby Care - Things You Should Never Feed Your Dog Unfortunately, there are a number of household items which we tend to take for granted that are potentially very dangerous to yourdog's health. It is especially important to be aware of this because as you know, dogs are essentially scavengers and will often eat just about anythingthey can sink their fangs into. I would say that may own dog is... |  |
| Baby Care - Time Management For Stay At Home Parents People tend to think that being a stay at home parent means you have time to sit in front of the TV all day, but anyone who has tried it knows better. Staying at home means getting u... |  |
| Baby Care - Tipping For The Holidays: Who To Gift And How Much? The holidays are the time of year to share your love and appreciation to the most important people in your life. For many, that includes those people who provide support and services throughout the year. From your favorite babysitter, housekeeper or the hair stylist who always gets your cut just the way you like it, a tip - enclosed in an envelope with a handwritten note - is sure to be appreciated. But how do you know how much to tip? Holiday tips will vary according to your means,... |  |
| Baby Care - Tips For A First-time Dad So you're going to become a father. Now is not the time to panic. You've got lots of time to get used to the idea, before that new life you helped create, arrives to join your own. These tips for a first-time Dad will help you to survive the pre-baby and post-birth jitters.Be supportive of your partner during the pregnancy. Some women have a more difficult time than others, and the fluctuation of hormones can bring on everything from mood swings to what seems to be unreasonable irritation with you, and everything else. While you may not understan... |  |
| Baby Care - Tips For A First-time Mom Having a baby can be one the most life-changing experiences there are. And not all those changes will be easy to cope with. Here are some tips for a first-time Mom, to help you get through the rougher times.The vast majority of women today, are working when they become pregnant. That means making a decision whether to stay home with the baby, or return to work. This is something you can consider during your pregnancy, weighing the pros and cons of your income, versus the benefits to this child, and any others to come in the future. If you decide to return to work, finding childcare ahead of time, will relieve you of the worries when your maternity leave is at an end.Women who do work full-time, often find themselves swamped in things that relate to the baby, whether it's their laundry, their nap schedules, or their fee... |  |
| Baby Care - Tips For Christmas Shopping For Babies And Infants A baby's first Christmas will always be treasured by his parents and when it comes to gift-giving this is a perfect time to start your own tradition, like buying a special holiday ornament representing the events of the year - either personally or something from world events or special celebrations, like the Olympics or a World Series or Super Bowl-themed ornament.Here are some other can't-miss gifts for Christmas for a ... |  |
| Baby Care - To Love Forever Some time ago we were leading a college seminar for sexually sophisticated, exuberant and articulate young couples from a local church when James, one of the husbands, said: Nancy and I have long since learned how to insert Tab A into Slot B, so we don't need a sex manual. We know all about adequate foreplay for women, exotic positions, and multiple orgasms. We love our nights of romance but we now must learn how to make our marriage worth keeping together when we are ... |  |
| Baby Care - Top 10 Mistakes When Buying A Car Seat There is no doubt that a good quality car seat is one of the most important purchases the parent of an infant or toddler can make. A properly installed car seat can be a real life saver in a crash. In addition, a car seat can keep the baby comfortable and happy on those long road trips. Unfortunately, there are some common mistakes parents make when buying these important safety items. Listed below are some of the most frequently seen mistakes made when buying and installing a car seat.1.Buying a car seat that ... |  |
| Baby Care - Top 2 Tips For Geting That Perfect Gift Top 2 Tips for Getting that Perfect Gift! So there you are, it’s that time again. It’s another occasionwhere you need get a gift for someone that already haseverything. You know, like how many candles can I get her? Orhow many times can I keep giving them a bottle of wine? We allhave been there and beat our heads against the wall to try andfigure out what do I give this time. Whether it’s the dreadedbaby shower, or house warming, or the even usual birthdaycelebration, you are stuck with the daunted task of giving agift that will show them what you meant to them. Sometimes it can b... |  |
| Baby Care - Top Ten Money Saving Wedding Tips 1. Plan your wedding ceremony and reception in the morning, on a Friday or Sunday night and consider the winter months for all these times and dates will be less expensive. 2. Try to keep your guest list minimal.3. Make your own veil. You’ll find that most craft stores sell how-to books and even supplies on designing your own veil, which can save you hundreds of dollars. 4. Shop online for your wedding dress. Go to a nearby bridal shop and try on dresses so you know they fit, and once you find some you like, search for them online, you’ll most likely find them, and for much less. 5. Supply your own alcohol for the wedding if you can, you’ll be sure to save.6. Opt to not have a dinner rec... |  |
| Baby Care - Trick Or Treat –- Planning The Ultimate Halloween Party (ARA) – What better way to celebrate the night of fright than to throw a Halloween party? Whether you’re expecting mini-goblins and ghosts or thinking of hosting adult Elvira’s and Frankenstein’s, decorations, frightful food and ghoulish activities will set the right tone for a Spook-Fest fit for even the most menacing vampires. The first step in planning your Halloween bash is to determine the theme. The theme will set the mood, determine the dress attire and influence the food you serve. Planning a movie-themed party is the most versatile and gives your guests the flexibility to dress as their favorite fright flick character. You can even incorporate your movie theme into your d... |  |
| Baby Care - Types Of Baby Shower Invitations Planning a baby shower can be a fun but challenging task. One task crucial to many baby showers is picking the right baby shower invitations. Below are some ideas for baby shower invitations.1) Themed Baby Shower Cards - Baby... |  |
| Baby Care - Unique Baby Names What’s in a name? Er…well, everything, really! Of course your little bundle of joy is the sweetest, most beautiful thing you have ever seen and you want to choose a name that reflects his/her individuality, spirituality, uniqueness and all-round special-ness.But wait a minute!Remember that the unique baby name you choose will help define junior’s life - how they are viewed and accepted - for many, many years. What sounds cute and original for a 5-year-old, may not sound so funky for a 15-year-old…and what about a 55-year old?Time was when only celebrities could get away with unique baby names (Zowie Bowie, Dweezil and Moon Unit Zappa, etc), but in the modern world, individuality is more prized than ever before, and increasingly, this starts with our names. Great ide... |  |
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